Cocaine Drug Test Cups
Is your instant urine screening program in need of cocaine drug test cups?
We have three brands that offer a combined 20 different configurations of cocaine drug test cups. Each cup features a dedicated cocaine panel strip in addition to other combinations of drugs. Pictured below is the Identify Health 6 panel cup with a cocaine drug test strip at a low 150 ng/ml.
Another available cocaine drug test cup option is our Identify Diagnostics 10 panel cup.
Cocaine is an often abused illegal narcotic listed as Schedule 2 in the United States. Our Identify Diagnostics 10 panel cup screens for the COC metabolite, benzoylecgonine, at 300 ng/ml. This 10 panel cup is available in a variety of different quantities with a lower price per test for each higher quantity you purchase.
If you are looking for a Made In USA Cocaine Drug Test cup, our Identify Diagnostics USA brand has four different cups to choose from.
The 12 panel cocaine drug test cup below screens for COC at 150 ng/ml in addition to 11 other drugs. A temperature strip is included and the cup has a graduation scale in ML. This cup also features a low opiates panel at 300 ng/ml which is 6 times lower than many other brands that test at 2,000 ng/ml.