Amphetamine Adderall Drug Tests

Are you looking for a Made In U.S.A. Adderall Drug Test Cup which screens for Amphetamine?
Adderall is combination drug which is made up of four different salts of amphetamine. It is known to be abused for its cognitive and performance enhancing properties. Adderall often comes in two common forms, immediate release tablets and also extended release capsules as Adderall XR. This 6 panel drug test cup below will detect Adderall at a low cut-off level of 500 n/ml from Identify Diagnostics USA.


We also offer a number of Addrall drug test dip cards featuring our AMP urine test panel strip.
Drug test dip cards or cassettes are a cost effective alternative to cup tests. However, you will have to provide your own urine collection device to gather your specimen. This Adderall Drug Test Dip card below is our 5 panel test by Identify Diagnostics with an amphetamine cut-off level of 1,000 ng/ml.


Our Identify Health brand offers several different amphetamine drug test cup configurations.
Pictured below is a 7 panel Adderall urine test cup with a cut-off level of 500 ng/ml. The Identify Health brand features wider panel strips which are easier to read compared to our regular Identify Diagnostics brand. Feel free to shop these cups in many quantity options with a lower purchase price per test for each higher quantity. We also have an auto-ship program which can be tailored to fit your urine screen volume needs.

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